
Sweden's Rankings
Overall Rank872.93
Corporate Taxes970.94
Individual Taxes1863
Consumption Taxes1669.57
Property Taxes873.66
Crossborder Taxes1480.64

Sweden ranks 8th overall on the 2021 International Tax Competitiveness Index, the same as in 2020.


  • Sweden provides for net operating losses to be carried forward indefinitely, allowing for corporations to be taxed on their average profitability.
  • Sweden has a territorial tax system that exempts both foreign dividends and capital gains income from taxation without any country limitations.
  • Sweden has a broad tax treaty network, with 81 countries.


  • Sweden's personal dividend tax rate and capital gains tax rate are both 30 percent, above the OECD average (24.1 percent for dividends and 19.1 percent for capital gains).
  • Sweden has a top statutory personal income tax rate of 52.3 percent, which is above the OECD average (42.7 percent).
  • Sweden has Controlled Foreign Corporation rules that apply to both passive and active income.

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