
Luxembourg's Rankings
Overall Rank576.5
Corporate Taxes2553.2
Individual Taxes2059.25
Consumption Taxes492.41
Property Taxes1365.17
Crossborder Taxes593.92

Luxembourg ranks 5th overall on the 2021 International Tax Competitiveness Index, the same as in 2020.


  • Business investments in machinery and intangibles receive better-than-average tax treatment.
  • Luxembourg applies its relatively low VAT rate of 17 percent on almost all final consumption.
  • Capital gains are tax-exempt if a movable asset such as shares was held for at least six months, encouraging long-term savings.


  • Companies are limited in the time period in which they can use net operating losses to offset future profits and are unable to use losses to offset past taxable income.
  • Luxembourg has several distortionary property taxes with separate levies on real estate transfers, estates, and corporate net assets.
  • The income tax is relatively progressive with a combined top statutory rate on personal income of 45.8 percent.

Learn more about the tax system in Luxembourg

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