
Chile's Rankings
Overall Rank2758.19
Corporate Taxes1100
Individual Taxes3540.65
Consumption Taxes2959.65
Property Taxes1267.72
Crossborder Taxes3734.39

Chile ranks 27th overall on the 2021 International Tax Competitiveness Index, five spots better than in 2020.


  • As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Chile temporarily allows businesses to immediately write off investments in buildings and machinery and to immediately amortize intangibles.
  • Chile temporarily reduced its corporate income tax rate to 10 percent for most of its businesses.
  • Chile has the second lowest tax wedge on labor among OECD countries, at 7 percent, compared to the OECD average of 34.6 percent.


  • Labor and consumption taxes are complex, creating a serious compliance burden.
  • The tax rate on capital gains was recently increased to 40 percent, well above the OECD average of 19.1 percent.
  • Chile has a worldwide tax system, while most OECD countries have territorial provisions.

Learn more about the tax system in Chile

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