
Portugal's Rankings
Overall Rank3449.04
Corporate Taxes3541.21
Individual Taxes3146.01
Consumption Taxes3355.79
Property Taxes2061.05
Crossborder Taxes2866.02

Portugal ranks 34th overall on the 2021 International Tax Competitiveness Index, the same as in 2020.


  • Corporations can deduct their property taxes from their taxable income, and there is an allowance for corporate equity (ACE).
  • Portugal has a territorial tax system, exempting foreign dividend and capital gains income for most countries.
  • Portugal provides above-average capital cost write-offs for investments in machinery.


  • Portugal has a high corporate tax rate of 31.5 percent (the OECD average is 22.9 percent).
  • Companies are severely limited in the amount of net operating losses they can use to offset future profits and are unable to use losses to reduce past taxable income.
  • The VAT at a rate of 23 percent applies to just half of the potential consumption tax base.

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