
Australia's Rankings
Overall Rank971.29
Corporate Taxes2948.82
Individual Taxes1763.31
Consumption Taxes782.38
Property Taxes480.19
Crossborder Taxes2472.31

Australia ranks 9th overall on the 2021 International Tax Competitiveness Index, the same as in 2020.


  • Property taxes in Australia are assessed on the value of the land rather than real estate or other improvements to land.
  • Australia's corporate and individual taxes have an integrated treatment of dividends, alleviating the burden of double taxation on distributed earnings.
  • Australia ranks well on consumption taxes due to its low goods and services tax (GST) rate but applies it to a relatively narrow base.


  • Australia's treaty network consists of just 45 countries, when the average among OECD countries is 75.
  • The corporate tax rate in Australia is 30 percent, above the OECD average (22.9 percent).
  • Corporations are limited in their ability to write off investments.

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