
Ireland's Rankings
Overall Rank1964.67
Corporate Taxes579.54
Individual Taxes3047.1
Consumption Taxes2562.57
Property Taxes1861.58
Crossborder Taxes1976.74

Ireland ranks 19th overall on the 2021 International Tax Competitiveness Index, one spot better than in 2020.


  • Ireland has a low corporate tax rate of 12.5 percent.
  • Net operating losses can be carried back one year and carried forward indefinitely, allowing companies to be taxed on their average profitability.
  • Ireland has no formal thin capitalization rules.


  • Ireland's personal tax rate on dividend income of 51 percent is the highest among OECD countries.
  • The VAT rate of 23 percent is one of the highest in the OECD and applies to a relatively narrow tax base.
  • Corporations are limited in their ability to write off investments.

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