
France's Rankings
Overall Rank3548.69
Corporate Taxes3444.05
Individual Taxes3737.79
Consumption Taxes2164.93
Property Taxes3438.43
Crossborder Taxes1380.73

France ranks 35th overall on the 2021 International Tax Competitiveness Index, the same as in 2020.


  • France has above-average cost recovery provisions for investments in machinery, buildings, and intangibles.
  • Corporate and consumption taxes have a relatively low compliance burden.
  • France has a broad tax treaty network, with 122 countries.


  • France has multiple distortionary property taxes with separate levies on estates, bank assets, financial transactions, and a wealth tax on real estate.
  • The tax burden on labor of 46.6 percent is among the highest for OECD countries.
  • A reduced 10 percent tax rate applies to income derived from IP rights through a so-called patent box.

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