
Finland's Rankings
Overall Rank1567.37
Corporate Taxes772.53
Individual Taxes2554.09
Consumption Taxes1572.74
Property Taxes1961.4
Crossborder Taxes2174.33

Finland ranks 15th overall on the 2021 International Tax Competitiveness Index, two places better higher than in 2020.


  • Finland has a relatively low corporate tax rate of 20 percent.
  • The compliance burdens of corporate, consumption, and labor taxes are all below the OECD averages.
  • Finland has a territorial tax system and a broad tax treaty network with 76 countries.


  • Finland levies both an estate and a financial transactions tax.
  • Companies are limited in their ability to carry forward net operating losses and are restricted to using First-In-First-Out as the cost accounting method for inventory.
  • Finland's top statutory rate on personal income is relatively high at 51.2 percent (the OECD average is 42.7 percent).

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