
Netherlands's Rankings
Overall Rank1269.18
Corporate Taxes2453.24
Individual Taxes2257.08
Consumption Taxes1473.44
Property Taxes2160.08
Crossborder Taxes398.57

The Netherlands ranks 12th overall on the 2021 International Tax Competitiveness Index, the same as in 2020.


  • The Netherlands allows net operating losses to be carried back one year, and the Last-In-First-Out treatment of the cost of inventory is allowed.
  • The Netherlands has a territorial tax system exempting both foreign dividends and capital gains and a broad tax treaty network, with 96 countries.
  • Corporations can deduct property taxes when calculating taxable income.


  • The Netherlands has a progressive tax system with a combined top rate on personal income of 49.5 percent.
  • The VAT of 21 percent applies to approximately half of the potential tax base.
  • Companies are severely limited in the time period in which they can use net operating losses to offset future profits.

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