
Japan's Rankings
Overall Rank2461.53
Corporate Taxes3635.27
Individual Taxes2157.36
Consumption Taxes394.55
Property Taxes2650.09
Crossborder Taxes2769.08

Japan ranks 24th overall on the 2021 International Tax Competitiveness Index, one place worse than in 2020.


  • Japan has a low VAT rate of 10 percent applied to a broad base.
  • Corporate and consumption taxes are less complex than they are on average in the OECD.
  • Japan's personal income tax rate on dividends is 20.3 percent, below the OECD average of 24.1 percent.


  • Japan has poor cost recovery provisions for business investments in machinery and buildings.
  • Japan has a hybrid international tax system with a 95 percent exemption for foreign dividends and no exemption for foreign capital gains, while many OECD countries have moved to a fully territorial system.
  • Companies are severely limited in the amount of net operating losses they can use to offset future profits.

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